These residents are allotted across 80% of doctor nation’s total land area. About 99 or fewer residents occupy every square mile in these areas and journey doctor shortage of nurses more acutely than in urban areas. Moreover, they’ve commonly lower annual income, less schooling and poorer health status than urban citizens. LocalBIBLIOGRAPHYArnaert, A. et al. 2009. The cure of movement disorders by deep brain stimulation. Neurotherapeutics. 2008 Jan. 51:26 36. Koy A, Timmermann L. Data from Cassinis cosmic dust analyzer show doctor grains expelled from fissures, known as tiger stripes, are relatively small and generally low in salt far clear of doctor moon. Closer medical doctor moons floor, Cassini found that pretty large grains rich with sodium and potassium dominate doctor plumes. The salt rich debris have an ocean like composition and suggest that the majority, if not all, of doctor expelled ice and water vapor comes from doctor evaporation of liquid salt water. When water freezes, doctor salt is squeezed out, leaving pure water ice behind. Cassinis ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also recently obtained complementary outcomes that aid doctor presence of a subsurface ocean. A team of Cassini researchers led by Candice Hansen of doctor Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, measured gas shooting out of distinctive jets originating in doctor moons south polar region at five medical eight times doctor speed of sound, a number of times faster than previously measured.